
In addition to the clinical, social, and dining programs delivered by our caring staff, The Laurels of Fulton offers the following amenities to make your short-term or extended stay more enjoyable:

Private Guest Rooms
Private Guest Rooms

Some guests prefer a private room during their stay. Our private guest rooms provide them with this option.

Wheelchair accessible bus
Wheelchair Accessible Bus

A wheelchair accessible bus is available during your stay for activities and community outings.

Man having hair styled
Beauty and Barber Shop

When you look good, you feel good. Our location has an on-site beauty shop so guests can schedule appointments for hair care and other services they desire.


Our courtyard is a safe, enclosed outdoor area that allows all of our guests to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. We schedule many recreational activities outside in our courtyard.

Woman gardening

Gardens are available for our guests' enjoyment. Many guests enjoy the opportunity to help with the planting and nurturing of gardens.

TV with remote
Cable / Satellite Television Hookups

For those guests who would like to have cable access in their rooms, cable/satellite hookups are available at no charge.

Woman on telephone

In an effort to provide our guests with convenient access to stay connected with family and friends, phones are available for use by our guests. Long distance charges may apply.

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